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Holidays With Chef Danilo Ferraz - Christmas In Argentina

This article is more than 3 years old.

Danilo Ferráz, chef and pizza master from Hell´s Pizza in Buenos Aires shares with me his favourite Christmas traditions in Argentina.

The owner of Hell’s Pizza has brought a slice of NYC to Buenos Aires - New Yorkers might not agree with the authenticity but...hey, food is all about having fun right?

Where else in the world can you get parrilla pizza? A bit of Argentina meets NYC - I dig that!

Throughout December, I’m taking a break from the regular ’business’ end of things and bringing some travel-inspired features from great chefs around the world to feed your wanderlust and maybe inspire your Christmas dinner menu.

Danilo Ferráz

Favourite Christmas Food Tradition?

My favorite are those classic Argentinian Christmas dishes served cold. Christmas and New Year´s eve, are the hottest weeks in Argentina, so the typical dishes that we serve are Vitel Tonhé (peceto meat with tuna and anchovy sauce), Lechón (roasted pig from the day before), Ensalada Rusa (served with cubed and cooked potatoes and carrots mixed with peas and mayonnaise), Matambre Arrollado (this recipe consists of opening a chicken meat or beef like a griddle, filling it and forming a roll that will be cooked in the oven; usually filled with olives, egg, carrots and parsley) or Pionono Relleno (rolled salty cake filled with palmitos, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise, ham, cheese and hard boiled egg). I come from a humble family, so during my childhood we used to have this traditional dishes. Later on the Asado became one of our classics.

And for Dessert? During my childhood, the dessert that couldn't be missed was what I like to call a Drunk Fruit Salad, prepared with fruits and wine. It was very fun to share moments with family at this times, you could see the effect this salad had on them. 

On your table this year? Since I am a chef and I have grown to become a wealthier man, compared to my family of origin, I can afford to raise the bar. Still like to keep traditions, so I still prepare cold dishes but with more sophisticated ingredientes like a Salmon Tartar, vegetables with exotic sauces, Beef Carpaccio and such. Plus, el asado is never missing.

In the restaurant? We are usually closed during Christmas, but this year I would really like to prepare a special dish around Christmas and New Year´s time. Something like a Pan Dulce (Panettone, bun made with a brioche-type dough, stuffed with raisins, candied fruits or chocolate chips)

I can proudly say I am one of the pioneers serving grilled in parrilla pizza in Argentina.

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